13 Deaths, 666 Confirmed Cases in Laurens County

As of the Thursday afternoon Update from South Carolina DHEC, Laurens County now has had 666 confirmed cases of COVID-19 during the Pandemic. We now have had thirteen people die with the virus.

DHEC yesterday announced 1,723 new confirmed cases and one new probable case of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, along with 22 additional confirmed deaths with the virus. In South Carolina there are currently 1,433 hospital beds occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19. This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 50,548, probable cases to 143, confirmed deaths to 897 and 7 probable deaths.

One of the new confirmed deaths noted yesterday was from Laurens County. Anderson and Spartanburg also had one additional death. Greenville reportedly had five deaths noted yesterday.

Among counties having new cases confirmed yesterday, Laurens had 23.  Anderson also had 23, Greenville had 208 and Spartanburg has 73. Greenwood had 20 new cases confirmed, Newberry had 10, Union had 5 and Abbeville had 2.

Of the 666 Laurens County cases, 274 were people with a Clinton address, 201 from Laurens and 80 from Gray Court. Cross Hill has now had 20 cases confirmed while Waterloo has 18. Mountville and Joanna have had 8 cases each.

From zip codes that include Laurens and at least one other county, Fountain Inn has had 159 cases, Woodruff 96, Honea Path 38 and Enoree 32. Whitmire has had 20 cases, Kinards has 9 and Chappells had had 5.