At the Laurens County Council Meeting last night, council passed on second reading the county general budget, which consists of an allowable tax index of 5.48%., victims assistance for the amount of $150.241, solid waste management fee: residential household fee of $65 per year for each residence, apartment or rental unit, manufactured home or any other structure used as and for a residence.
Detention Center is lotted in the amount of $129,000, and a special revenue fund of $76,000 for drug expenses, a special revenue fund of $18,911,420, to fund the appropriations for the county budget for the fiscal year beginning July1, 2024.
There will be a tax levy of 2.0 mils for the funding of Piedmont Tech, and USC Union, a tax levy of 9.22 mils for EMS, and a tax levy of 2.52 mills for the acquisition of certain equipment for EMS, and a tax levy of 7.19 mills for the county deficit/reserve account, and a tax levy of 7.69 Account mills (Fund 600) to provide funding for the Laurens County Capital Fund.
The fire budget was also approved on second reading, which consists of 23.45 mills, and the total supplement shall not exceed $1,000,000.