Laurens County Community Foundation Offers Grants

The Laurens County Community Foundation (LCCF) is pleased to announce the commencement of the nineth annual Laurens County Community Enhancement Grant Program. Competitive grants in amounts up to $1500 will be awarded in September to Laurens County programs or organizations who need to finance meritorious projects designed to benefit county citizens and that will enhance the character and culture of our wonderful community.

This year’s grant cycle opens on June 13, 2024 for Laurens County programs and organizations to submit proposals to the Laurens County Community Foundation for a 2024 LCCF Community Enrichment Grant. Applications and additional information about the competitive proposals may be obtained: from the LCCF website via email: Deadline for the receipt of grant application proposals is 3 p.m., Thursday, July 25, 2024.

The Laurens County Community Foundation is committed to furthering its mission of enhancing the quality of life of the citizens of Laurens County by supporting organizations that are making a positive impact in our community, through grants, scholarships, and by encouraging the practice of philanthropy. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation to support our mission, leaving a legacy through your will, or starting a charitable fund or scholarship fund that will grow over time, responding to immediate and future community needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us. The Laurens County Community Foundation and you—making Laurens County an even greater place in which to live!